I use the process of painting to document physical and psychological presence, investigating the communicative function of colour and form as a reaction.

The starting point of each painting is based on some form of narrative, which inevitably informs the course of painting. However, in the process of painting, it is not a question of making ever more references to the narrative, but a deliberate attempt to escape from it. Therefore the paintings may be observed for what they are rather than what they should mean.

If you would like to arrange a studio visit please email me on dragomir@dragomirmisina.co.uk

Dragomir Mišina

“For me, standing in front of a @dragomirmisina painting is like getting onto a train without a ticket. But it's encouraged, and you won't feel alone, in fact, he's right there, helping you with your baggage, taking your hand and letting you step off the safety of the platform and then...just as you have found your seats the train pulls out of the station, he takes his hat off , waves it and cheers you on with a wink and smile , as you head off on the great Dragomir express, where platforms don't exist and the tickets are ripped up and thrown to the wind with glorious glee. You can find him here: @studio44ad” Jonathan Roelofse, Artist


Deviation Street Magazine - click to view
Evolver Wessex art and culture magazine - click to view


2009 - 2012 BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting at Bath School of Art & Design, Bath Spa University
2007 - 2009 BTEC National Diploma in Art and Design (Fine Art) at City of Bath College

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Flash Point,  44AD artspace,  pop up,  Bath
Laughing Gas,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2022 See You Again,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2020 The Summer After,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Gift of Summer Days,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2019 Hide and Seek,  Aldgate House,  London
2017 Smokescreen,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2016 Line of Colour,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2015 at first glance,  The Pound Arts Centre,  Corsham
2014 Alice,  44AD artspace,  Lower Borough Walls,  Bath
2013 Last Supper,  44AD artspace,  Lower Borough Walls,  Bath
2012 Ring a Ring o' Roses,  44AD artspace,  Lower Borough Walls,  Bath
Fairy Tales,  Bath School of Art & Design,  Sion Hill,  Bath Library

Selected Group Exhibitions

2024 Milk and Honey,  Howard Hue Gallery,  London
Static Energy,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2023 Fusilli,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Spring is Sprung,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Four Thousand Nights,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2022 Dream Home,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Hope and Humanity,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Memory Papers,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2021 Group Show 5,  SHRINE Gallery,  New York,  online 
36th Annual Open Exhibition,  Southwark Park Galleries,  Online
I don’t have a favourite,  44AD artspace,  Online
2020 Visions of Science,  Andrew Brownsword Gallery,  Online
A-Z,  44AD artspace,  Online
⚬Dot⚬Dot-Dash,  Surface Gallery,  Online
The Art of Communication,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
No Name,  El Museo Nacional de Arte de México,  Mexico City
Old House New Home with George Clarke,  Channel 4 production,  Margate
Poster,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Alter Ego,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2018 No Name,  San Carlos Museum,  Mexico City
Source,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
A Letter in Mind,  Oxo Tower Gallery,  London
Balance,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
True Stories,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Live,  FaB, Walcot Chapel,  Bath
The Launch - Deviation Street Magazine,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2017 Exchange,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
A Letter in Mind,  Oxo Tower Gallery,  London
Studio,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Pay & Display Prize,  Centrespace Gallery,  Bristol
2016 No Name,  Museo Tamayo,  Mexico City
These Rose Tinted Glasses Have Never Let Me Down,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
A Letter in Mind,  Oxo Tower Gallery,  London
Pay & Display,  Centrespace Gallery,  Bristol
The Waiting Room,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2015 The Apartment,  Subject Gallery,  New York City
The Pound Arts Open,  The Pound Arts Centre,  Corsham
Exchange,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
2014 162nd Annual Open Exhibition,  RWA,  Bristol
A Letter in Mind,  Oxo Tower Gallery,  London
Saatchi Screen Project,  Saatchi Gallery,  London
I Claudius,  44AD artspace,  4 Abbey Street,  Bath
Evolver Prize,  Atkinson Gallery,  Street
Underland,  O3 Gallery,  Oxford Castle Quarter,  Oxford
In Glorious Colour, Saatchi Art Showdown,  Griffin Gallery,  London
2013 161st Annual Open Exhibition,  RWA,  Bristol
State of Play,  Southgate Street,  Bath
Transfer,  FAB,  Southgate Street,  Bath
Out of the Dark,  44AD artspace,  Lower Borough Walls,  Bath
Drawn,  RWA,  Bristol
Forget who you are & everything you know,  The Searchers contemporary,  St Michaels Hill,  Bristol
2012 Please Do Not Bang Or Open The Cages,  44AD artspace,  Lower Borough Walls,  Bath
tenplusone,  44AD artspace,  Lower Borough Walls,  Bath
Free Range, Site Unseen,  The Old Truman Brewery,  Brick Lane,  London
Bath School of Art and Design Degree Show,  Sion Hill,  Lansdown,  Bath
Meteors the Entire Night,  6-7 Milsom Place,  Bath
2011 159th Autumn Exhibition,  RWA,  Bristol
Translation,  Dartmouth Avenue, Project Space,  Bath


Bath Spa University
Private Collections including Agnes Gund Collection - Agnes Gund ARTnews article

Publications / Awards

2020 Shortlisted for the Bridgeman Studio Award.
2019 Published work in the A5 Magazine, industry focused art zine.
2018 Selected as one of the top 10 finalists for the Bridgeman Studio Award, People's Choice Vote, Affordable Art Fair, Battersea Park, London UK.
Published work in the A5 Magazine, industry focused art zine.
Published interview in the Deviation Street Magazine
2016 The New Collectors Book,  a NY based Annual Art Publication
Mexican magazine,  Hotbook
LAB zine,  a USA visual artists and media makers journal
2014 Selected by Saatchi Art for Collection  Best of 2014
Finalist,  the Saatchi Art Showdown 'In Glorious Colour’
Published interview in the Evolver Wessex art and culture magazine
Selected by Saatchi Art for Collection  Made In Britain
Selected by Saatchi Art for Collection  Originals for $5,000-$10,000
2013 Won the Evolver Wessex Artist Award at RWA’s 161st Annual Open Exhibition
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  White Hot
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  Abstract Paintings
Aesthetica,  The Art & Culture Magazine
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  Rule Britannia; A spotlight on British Arts
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  Primary colors
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  Bold Statement Works
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  New This Week 05-20-2013
The Clifton Life Magazine
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  New This Week 04-29-2013
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  New This Week 04-01-2013
Cover image on home page Saatchi Online for Collection  New This Week 03-18-2013
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  The Bright Fantastic
Selected by Saatchi Online for Collection  London Calling: Art From the UK
The Bristol Magazine
2012 an magazine